Reference docs

HTTP functions



What used to be web servers, web frameworks, routers, and tons of config is now Begin HTTP functions.

When an HTTP request comes in, your HTTP functions are responsible for (synchronously) handling responses. (Longer-running async tasks can be farmed out to Begin event functions.)

Begin HTTP functions are fast, lightweight, stateless, isolated, highly durable, and require no configuration.

Oh, and provisioning new HTTP functions is a cinch!

Provisioning new HTTP functions

To provision a new HTTP function edit your app's Architect project manifest file.

Begin example apps written for the node.js runtime use JSON added to the apps package.json file.

Open the package.json file in the root of your project.

As shown below we specify HTTP Functions as an Array of two values, the HTTP verb and path.

  "arc": {
    "app": "myapp",
    "http": [
      [ "get", "/api" ]

💁🏽‍♀️ Info: For convenience Architect currently supports app.arc, app.json, app.toml, and app.yaml as well if you find that your app's manifest becomes too large to manage inside package.json.

Here is what the same configuration looks like if instead you used an app.arc file in the root of your project:


get /api

After specifying new HTTP functions in your Architect project manifest and pushing your changes to your repo, the following things happen automatically:

  • New infrastructure is provisioned to make the route(s) publicly available – this may take a few moments to spin up
  • A build is kicked off, and, if green, is deployed to staging (but not production, of course)

That's all there is to it! Now let's take a closer look at the capabilities of HTTP functions, and how they work.

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The basics

By default each HTTP function maps to a logical HTTP route. For example:

  • get / is serviced by the HTTP function in your project at src/http/get-index
  • get /about is serviced by src/http/get-about
  • post /form is serviced by src/http/post-form
  • And so on...

All HTTP functions begin with /, and can include letters, numbers, and slashes, underscores, dashes, and periods, up to 35 characters.

Importantly and uniquely, you can also use URL parameters to build dynamic paths – more on that below.

✨ Tip: It's possible to have multiple HTTP methods respond from the same path. For example: get /contact-us and post /contact-us is totally valid, as you'd expect.

Greedy root

By default, your app's root is greedy – which means that unless specified, all paths and HTTP methods will invoke it. Any HTTP functions you define manually will be prioritized over the root. For example:

  • With only get / specified: submitting a POST request to /foo will invoke src/http/get-index
  • With both get / and post /foo specified: submitting the same request will invoke src/http/post-foo

The greedy root also means you can run large amounts of your application's logic from a single get / HTTP function. However, we don't advise it! One of the key advantages to building with cloud functions is their inherent isolation: many smaller functions means greater ease in debugging and faster deploys.

Using URL parameters to create dynamic paths

It's possible to build dynamic paths using Express-style URL parameters, like: get /shop/:product

URL parameters are passed to your route via the req.pathParameters object.

💡 Learn more about HTTP requests

For example, when a client requests the path /shop/chocolate-chip-cookies, the HTTP function handling that route receives a req object containing:

  routeKey: 'GET /shop/{product}',
  rawPath: '/shop/chocolate-chip-cookies',
  pathParameters: {
    product: 'chocolate-chip-cookies'

You can do a lot with this functionality!

📝 Note: Slashes still function as path part delimiters within URL params, so get /api/:foo will service get /api/hello, but will not service get /api/hello/there. To handle get /api/hello/there, create a second HTTP function for get /api/:foo/:bar

Removing HTTP functions

You can remove HTTP functions from your app the same way you add them: by modifying your Architect project manifest file.

Once pushed to your repo, any routes removed from your project's http section will be removed from staging environment; your production routes will not be changed until you deploy to production.

📝 Note: Removing routes from your project will not result in any changes to your project's files, so you will find the src/http/ folder still retains your HTTP function code (until you're ready to destroy it).